Rhinoplasty is one of the most often sought-after cosmetic surgeries across the globe, celebrities and other well-known persons often get one for themselves addressing various issues including health-related concerns. This form of surgery offers various benefits including fixing broken noses and breathing problems. Because of the benefits offered by rhinoplasty, it has become popular over the years enabling individuals to try it on themselves. Rhinoplasty can effectively change your facial structure for the rest of your life, that is why it is important to discuss it and prepare yourself before your scheduled surgery. That way, you can ensure a safe and healthy way of sustaining your modified nose.
In preparation for a rhinoplasty procedure you must ensure to keep in mind the following:
Avoid Smoking
We commonly hear that smoking is not healthy for our body; it may sound redundant but smoking before your rhinoplasty can cause problems with your healing process. Smoking distorts our immune system which can cause delayed healing of wounds and increased infection risk in the incision area. Smoking can decrease the body’s ability to process all necessary nutrients that promote healing after surgery.
If you are preparing for any form of surgery such as rhinoplasty, it is best to avoid smoking not only before the surgery but also during your healing stage; this will help you achieve the result you want.
Avoid Topical Creams
Face cream is a standard part of a skincare routine, but if you are about to have a nose job, it is best to avoid topical creams for about four to five days before your rhinoplasty procedure. You can use a simple cleanser instead when cleaning and hydrating your skin. But avoid anything that contains salicylic acid and other over-the-counter medicated creams to avoid sudden skin irritations during your healing process.
Stick with a Balanced and Healthy Diet
By maintaining a balanced and healthy diet, you can ensure that your body can get all the required nutrients to prepare for your upcoming surgery. Consuming healthy foods and doing exercise, your recovery process can speed up helping you appreciate the result of the rhinoplasty immediately.
Proper Skincare
Proper skincare ensures that your skin is ready for the incision that the rhinoplasty surgery is about to make. This will also ensure that your face is clean for the surgery helping you avoid any unexpected skin irritations during the surgery which can affect the result of your nose job or even your overall health.
Consult a Professional
Above all, you must not forget to consult with your trusted health professional; they can help you with your rhinoplasty preparation by giving you all the health advice you need. They can also help you determine which medicines you must stop taking a few days before your surgery.
Rhinoplasty procedure varies depending on the result you would like to achieve and the concerns you would like to address. That is why it is important to trust the right clinic for your cosmetic procedures. Picking the right cosmetic clinic will ensure your safety and health while achieving your desired outcome. ALC Clinic can provide you with all the information you need to prepare for your rhinoplasty surgery. ALC is one of the trusted cosmetic clinics that offers rhinoplasty in the South. Book an appointment now to discuss your beauty and health goals with them.